Legislation Could Ban Sanctuary Cities

( CINCINNATI, OH ) -- After Dayton and Cincinnati both declared themselves sanctuary cities, the Republicans in the Ohio House are showing that they do not support them.

Ohio Republican Representative from Middletown, Candice Keller, introduce the legislation along with the backing of Republican Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, that would make sanctuary cities within Ohio illegal.

If an illegal immigrant is arrested for a violent crime within a sanctuary city, the mayor and council of that city could be held civilly and criminally responsible, arrested, charged with a fourth-degree felony, and fined upwards of $5,000.

Democratic Cincinnati Councilman Wendell Young introduced the legislation that would eventually go on to make Cincinnati a sanctuary city with a vote of 6-2. After hearing about the Republican-backed legislation, Young said "I'm trying not to laugh.

"Young said Republicans are trying to use "scare tactics" and says this bill goes "beyond the pale." He says that he does "not take [the sanctuary city legislation] lightly", and says this will not change council or the mayor's mind.

Colorado is the only other state in the Union considering similar legislation.

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