Trump Rally in Florida a Missed Opportunity

Trump announced yesterday that he would hold a rally Friday in Melbourne, Florida.  It’s clear what Trump is doing:  after a week of being beat down by the national media, he could use an injection of positive energy to both throw a positive picture of support on his first month in office and get a little spring back in his step.  

But isn’t this event what so many...including yours truly...had against Obama?  That he was the Campaigner in Chief?  Obama did little positive to help the country but instead spent his time always on the stump.  He was good stirring up a crowd with a rousing speech that could bring people to tears but little else of substance.  But now less than 30 days into office, we are campaigning again?  Huh?  This is what Americans can’t stand about politicians, yet Trump is falling into the same trap.  He WILL get killed in the public opinion over this.  The people at the rally will be people WHO ALREADY SUPPORT HIM through thick and thin.  He will not be convincing doubters there.  

Here is what I think he should do instead:

- hold a rally at a West Virginia coal mine, with miners in the background, hammering home that he is supporting blue collar workers and bringing jobs back to America

- hold a rally and a Detroit Ford assembly line, again supporting workers and American jobs

- a rally at the Mexican Boarder, telling American families how he is going to keep them safer.

- a rally in the Philadelphia inner city to discuss rebuilding the infrastructure and schools

Any of these and others like them would have better optics than a campaign rally at an airport with supporters.  Put the focus back on his central theme: AMERICA FIRST.  He needs to maintain the focus on domestic issues and on American jobs and families, not another party with loyalists

What say you?

(Let me know your thoughts in the comment section)

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