The Black Friday Parking Lot Survival Guide

AAA has tips to help pedestrians and motorists navigate parking lots safely this holiday season.

Today, unofficially kicks off the holiday shopping season, meaning shoppers may have to endure traffic in the parking lots of malls, which can be overwhelming for anyone heading out for some last minute bargains.  

AAA recommends that you drive slowly inside parking lots and garages. Stay off your mobile device and always watch for pedestrians who may not be paying attention to their surroundings.

Your advised to back out slowly from your parking space, especially if you’re near large vehicles.  If you feel comfortable doing so, back into your parking space.  This means you’ll be able to pull straight out of your spot with better visibility.

AAA also says learn to play the outfield. Outlying areas have more spaces, lighter traffic and a lower risk of collision. Parking further will help you avoid a possible collision, and you’ll likely face less presser from impatient shoppers to find the “perfect” spot.

Use your headlights when scouring parking garages for spaces- even in the daytime. The light will let other cars see you coming around turns and can make fitting into that tight parking space a little easier.

Don’t trap yourself. Avoid parking between a pair of tall SUVs or minivans where it might be hard for you to back out of the space. If you can’t see well enough to back out safely, get help from one of your passengers.

Keep an eye out for pedestrians and small children. Kids can be hard to see in busy parking lots and often make quick, unpredictable movements. When walking to and from the car, hold their hands to keep them safe in traffic.

Finally AAA says, always wear your seatbelt.

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