A New Study Shows We Live in the Most Dangerous Places for COVID in the US

We live in some of the most dangerous places in the country for COVID. Wallet Hub's latest report on the safest states during COVID has put Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana all at the bottom. The website looks at five metrics to determine where COVID is the biggest threat: rate of transmission, # of positive tests, hospitalizations, deaths and vaccination rates. They use those numbers to rank all 50 states and the District of Columbia and Indiana was dead last. Kentucky was next ranked 50th overall and Ohio comes in at 47.

The report also lists all three high on what they call their death rate ranking, to calculate that they compare deaths with vaccination rates. To calculate that Wallet Hub looked at numbers for the past week.

Kentucky has the third highest death rate and is ranked 38th for vaccinations.

Indiana has the fourth highest death rate and is 48th in the U-S for vaccinations,

Ohio is 13th for deaths and 44th for the percentage of people vaccinated.

Check out the entire report by clicking here.

Wallet Hub Chart comparing death rates with vaccination rates

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